Who called me from 01158880253?

The users from United Kingdom reported +441158880253 phone number 2 times, our users rated 0115 888 0253 phone number as Harassing.

The phone number 01158880253 has been checked 90 times on our platform.

The phone numbers country code is GB, the national format of the number is 0115 888 0253 and the global format of the number is +441158880253.

The carrier name is Wavecrest (UK) Ltd, mobile country code is 234, and the phone type is Landline.

Our users from United Kingdom reported 0115 888 0253 in these categories Scam (2 times).

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United Kingdom Flag

Nottingham, United Kingdom

  • Country Code

  • Carrier

    Wavecrest (UK) Ltd
  • Type

  • Mobile Country Code

  • Area Name

  • Area Code

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One Month Ago

Asian woman pretending to be from the "Network Department" on about my PC or laptop. Knew my name and address, and on about needing to protect my PC. Told her to get a real job that her Mother would be proud of, and stop pretending she worked for Microsoft. In short, this person was a liar, dishonest, knew nothing about computers or cyber security. After hanging up, she phoned again and asked what was the problem, so told her she was the problem, and that the PC has sufficient protection already. So a scam and harassing me.



One Month Ago

Made out she was from windows computers, & tried to ring again. I said, scam! & put the phone down, but worry older people could fall for this stuff & then she tried it again

Report 0115 888 0253


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