Who called me from 01553886547?

The users from United Kingdom reported +441553886547 phone number 25 times, our users rated 01553 886547 phone number as Unknown.

The phone number 01553886547 has been checked 1005 times on our platform.

The phone numbers country code is GB, the national format of the number is 01553 886547 and the global format of the number is +441553886547.

The carrier name is Magrathea Telecommunications, mobile country code is 234, and the phone type is Landline.

Our users from United Kingdom reported 01553 886547 in these categories Fraud (7 times), Scam (7 times), Insurance (8 times), Spam (8 times), Uncategorized (9 times).

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United Kingdom Flag

Kings Lynn, United Kingdom

  • Country Code

  • Carrier

    Magrathea Telecommunications
  • Type

  • Mobile Country Code

  • Area Name

    Kings Lynn
  • Area Code

  • Approximate Location

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Haley Kennedy

2 Years Ago

This is the genuine number of Adrian Flux insurance company. They called me a few days ago for the renewal of my insurance. I thought it was a fake caller, but I realised it was the genuine number when I checked it here.


Mahi Rodrigues

2 Years Ago

Very irritating caller. Bothersome, harassing, fake caller. A few weeks back, this caller started calling me constantly. But then, it stopped. Now they start sending voicemails to my number.


Teresa Johnson

2 Years Ago

They are very annoying and harassing. They kept calling me and offering me insurance for three days, even though I refused to take their offer. But they kept calling me. Blocked them.


Jacob Davis

2 Years Ago

They are very annoying. It is the number of Adrian Flux insurance company. They were offering me a quote, but I declined to accept the offer. Still, they kept calling me to know if I got interest in their offer or not. Blocked them today.


Carla Burgess

2 Years Ago

This number rings on my phone every day for the last one month. The caller claimed to be from Adrian Flux, but I never had insurance and never dealt with Adrian Flux. It was a spam call. Blocked it.


Leoni Gregory

2 Years Ago

They said they were calling on behalf of Adrian Flux. They were offering insurance on my car and gave me a nice quote on my car that I refused. I did not believe them, but I was not sure if they were genuine or not.


Trent Whitehead

2 Years Ago

Adrian Flux Insurance company number that normally calls to offer insurance. Yesterday, I got a call and it was for an insurance. They were offering a good quote on an insurance.


Lisa Friedman

2 Years Ago

They claimed to be from Adrian Flux. I received a call from this number a few days back. There was a male on the call that was offering me car insurance. When I refused to take the offer, it kept forcing me. Very irritating.


Christopher Shea

2 Years Ago

Due to various scams, I was scared to attend calls from unknown numbers. This number was ringing on my phone, and I accidentally picked it up. It was Adrian Flux insurance calling me for my insurance renewal.


Linda Robinson

2 Years Ago

I don’t know who this caller is. It kept calling on my landline number. I picked up one of its calls, but no one spoke. Plus, no one left any message for me regarding these calls. No idea who it was.


Tracy Greene

2 Years Ago

I got numerous calls from this number. When I answered the call, the caller claimed to be from Adrian Flux Insurance Company. They were offering me some kind of insurance which seemed to be not real.


James Odom

2 Years Ago

Nuisance unsolicited sales call. They claimed to be from Adrian Flux. I received frequent calls per day. The most irritating thing is they never leave messages. Constant calling. And when picking up the call, they do not respond.


Eira Hinton

2 Years Ago

They claimed to be from Adrian flux insurance. They have called me a lot of times. By reading the comments, it looks like this is an insurance company. I have been harassed by them for so long. Now I am gonna block them.


Timothy Pittman

2 Years Ago

They are very annoying. They called me a few days ago. They claimed to be from Adrian Flux insurance. They were offering me an insurance policy which I refused to take. They were still calling me to see if I had changed my mind.


Manav Hewitt

2 Years Ago

Not to be worried about this caller. They are legit. They called me and when I asked them who they are. They claimed to be from Adrian Flux Insurance Company. They just called me about my renewal. It is safe to attend their call.


Steven Green DDS

2 Years Ago

They are not scammers. They are Adrian Flux insurance company. They just call their old clients to offer them insurance. Although they keep calling several times, they are not scammers.


Kimberly Tran

2 Years Ago

It was the call from Adrian Flux insurance company. Clearly, it was a solicited call. I was looking for vehicle insurance online and applied for a quote from this company. They called me in response to that online vehicle insurance quote.


Branden Buchanan

2 Years Ago

It was the telemarketer Adrian Flux insurance company. They called me and offered me an insurance plan. I told them that I was not interested. But they kept calling me. Finally, I blocked them now.


Ronald Smith

2 Years Ago

Called me several times. Claimed to be from Adrian flux insurance. It was an insurance broker trying to get the information of previous clients for insurance. It seemed like a scam call, so I blocked it.


Lillie-Rose Pitts

2 Years Ago

They are so annoying. They are harassing. They called me more than ten times a day. They were offering a nice quote on car insurance. But I do not believe them. They kept calling. Blocked.


Jonas Mosley

2 Years Ago

They called me and claimed to be from Adrian Flux insurance company. They were offering me a nice quote on my old car. But I never had any policy with this company for the past two years.


Aaron Aguilar

2 Years Ago

It is an insurance company number that has called me for almost one year. They were calling me for a quote. I said them not to call me again as they were offering an irrelevant quote, but they kept calling me. I blocked them.


Samuel Carpenter

2 Years Ago

This caller has been calling me for a long time. It rings on my phone every day for the last one month. I never had insurance and never dealt with Adrian Flux. It was a spam call. Blocked it.


Bryce Johnson

2 Years Ago

Very annoying caller. A few weeks back, this caller started calling me all time. But then, it stopped. Now they start sending voicemails to my number. Harassing me now. I have blocked them.


Matas Padilla

2 Years Ago

This number keeps on calling on my landline number. I have received so many calls from the same number. But there is no message from this number. Whoever this is, they have not left any message.

Report 01553 886547


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