Who called me from 01217329934?

The users from United Kingdom reported +441217329934 phone number 25 times, our users rated 0121 732 9934 phone number as Harassing.

The phone number 01217329934 has been checked 2008 times on our platform.

The phone numbers country code is GB, the national format of the number is 0121 732 9934 and the global format of the number is +441217329934.

The carrier name is Nexbridge Communications, mobile country code is 234, and the phone type is Landline.

Our users from United Kingdom reported 0121 732 9934 in these categories Fraud (10 times), Scam (11 times), PPI (1 times), Insurance (3 times), Spam (6 times), Uncategorized (7 times).

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United Kingdom Flag

Birmingham, United Kingdom

  • Country Code

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    Nexbridge Communications
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Mattie Crouch

2 Years Ago

It was the unsolicited calls from this number. I got numerous calls from this unknown number. And when I tried to answer the call, the caller hung up. Very irritating and harassing. Blocked!!


Jennifer Valencia

2 Years Ago

It was a scam caller. They were trying to sell a fair quote on the boiler. They wanted me to replace my old boiler with a new one in order to save money and energy. But when I searched this number, I got to know they were fraudsters.


Macsen Alford

2 Years Ago

This caller is very harassing as it keeps calling. When I answered the call, there was man that was very polite. But his talk was like he was a scammer. He was offering me energy services.


Samuel Carpenter

2 Years Ago

I received a lot of calls from this unknown number. I was at work when I got a call from this number. They claimed to be from a call centre. They were offering me a free assessment of the boiler. So I don't know if they are scammers or not.


Isha Everett

2 Years Ago

There was a kind lady on the call. She claimed to be from a call centre. She called me and made me an offer to upgrade my boiler in order to save my money. She was very polite and made me a nice offer which I accepted.


Ryan Reyes

2 Years Ago

It was a telemarketing number. They kept calling me and offering me some insurance claims. They were trying to sell compensative advice. I was not interested, but they kept calling. Blocked them.


Aedan Laing

2 Years Ago

It is the number of the classical telemarketing call centre. They kept calling me without any reason. When I picked up the call, the caller hung up immediately. The caller does silent calls. Blocked.


Meadow Dixon

2 Years Ago

This is the number of a call centre who called you to give useful advice on boiler up-gradation methods. I also got their call and made a booking for my new boiler with them. Safe caller.


Tyler Williamson

2 Years Ago

I am so tired of this unknown caller. It kept calling silent calls to me. Whenever the phone rang and I picked up the call, whoever was on the other side hung up the call immediately. Nuisance call.


James Frost

2 Years Ago

It is the number of the telemarketing call centre. They were calling with PPI and asking me if I had worked in heavy industry insurance claims and then tried to sell me compensation advice. I told them I was not interested, but still, they called me. So I blocked them.


Wendy White MD

2 Years Ago

It was an insurance marketing company. They tried to sell me compensation advice. I was not interested in the insurance, so I told them not to call me again. They kept calling, so I blocked them.


Samuel Clark

2 Years Ago

It was a nuisance call. It called me several times. My phone rang for the first time, so I picked up the call. The caller hung up the call the moment I attended the call and said hello. Scam caller. So I blocked now.


Dawn Lopez

2 Years Ago

Unsolicited calls from this number. And when I answered the calls, it hung up. It is a silent caller. Very annoying and very disturbing. Blocked them right away.


Rebekah Peacock

2 Years Ago

It was an unsolicited call. The caller was offering me a discount on a new boiler as well as offering me to replace my old boiler with the new one. I refused to take the offer, but it kept forcing me. Scam caller.


Cassandra Williams

2 Years Ago

There were very irritating. I did not know who they were. I received silent calls from this number. Whenever I attended the call, it hung up. Very annoying and very disturbing. Blocked.


Reem Durham

2 Years Ago

They called me several times, but I did not pick up any call. But when they were constantly calling me, I received one call. They sounded like scammers. They were very polite and kind and offered me energy services. I do not believe them, so I have blocked this number.


Justine Martin

2 Years Ago

They claimed to be from the telemarketing call centre. They were offering me a boiler. When I declined their offer, they hung up the call. But later, they started annoying me by calling again and again. Totally a scam caller.


Timothy Tate

2 Years Ago

Got a lot of calls from this caller while I was at my work. When I got free, I called this number, and the caller was from a call centre trying to save people on hefty bills and advising them to upgrade boilers. Plus, they also gave offer to me to get a free boiler assessment.


Juliet Mejia

2 Years Ago

My phone rang once. And when I picked up the call and said hello to the caller, it hung up the call. Very strange. It called me again, and when I said something, it immediately hung up. Blocked it now.


Joshua Jones

2 Years Ago

Called me several times. When I answered, it sounds like scammers, although they were very polite. It is an energy support hub, possibly, offering me energy services. But I do not believe them.


Lisa Sanders

2 Years Ago

Kept calling me for so long. One day, I finally answered the call. They used my first name, so I asked them how they knew me and who are you. The caller suspended the call. Scammers.


Yassin Yu

2 Years Ago

My phone rang once. When I attended the call and said hello, the caller immediately hung up the call. Very annoying and irritating. It was a scam caller. Blocked right away.


Shamima Sanchez

2 Years Ago

Received a call from this number yesterday. It was a call from a call centre. They just called me regarding the boiler. They just gave me advice on boilers and how I can save energy on boilers. Safe caller.


Yassin Yu

2 Years Ago

This number is from a call centre. There was a lady on the other side of the call who advised me to upgrade my boiler and save money and gas by spending less. I made booking with her because I really needed to change my boiler as it was old. The lady was very nice to me.


Geoffrey Lewis

2 Years Ago

This number has been calling me for the last few days. I did not have time to pick up the call. Last Sunday, I attended the call, and it was the call from an energy support hub. They were asking me how old my boiler was. I have searched about the company and they are safe.

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