Who called me from 01773549413?

The users from United Kingdom reported +441773549413 phone number 6 times, our users rated 01773 549413 phone number as Unknown.

The phone number 01773549413 has been checked 652 times on our platform.

The phone numbers country code is GB, the national format of the number is 01773 549413 and the global format of the number is +441773549413.

The carrier name is BT, mobile country code is 234, and the phone type is Landline.

Our users from United Kingdom reported 01773 549413 in these categories Fraud (3 times), Scam (4 times), Spam (1 times), Uncategorized (2 times).

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United Kingdom Flag

Ripley, United Kingdom

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Joanne Townsend

2 Years Ago

They said they were calling on behalf of an affordable mobile company. But the way he was talking did not seem to be authentic. I instantly ended up the call and blocked the number.


Jennifer Gilmore

2 Years Ago

They called me various times. It was A1 comms, but I did not think because of how he was talking to me. I searched it here and came to know it was a scammer. Blocked it right away.


Aiyla Plant

2 Years Ago

They claimed to be from the EE company. They called me to upgrade my EE contract as it expired a few months ago. They were giving a nice offer. Certainly, it is a reliable source.


Tahmina Mason

2 Years Ago

They sell contracts on mobile phones. There was a male caller that claimed to be from mobile phone contract call centre. It was also selling me a nice contract. Safe caller. Genuine number.


Sarah Crawford

2 Years Ago

They are scammers. Be aware of them. I got a call from this number, and the caller asked me to share my address and personal information with them for some verifications. They did not tell a clear reason why did they want my info.


Jessie Farmer

2 Years Ago

I got a call from this number yesterday. There was a guy asking me for my address and DOB for some kind of verification needs. When I asked them for what purpose they needed. They said they could not tell unless I gave them, and they verified it. Be careful; they are scammers

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