Who called me from 01923257611?
The users from United Kingdom reported +441923257611 phone number 1 times, our users rated 01923 257611 phone number as Dangerous.
The phone number 01923257611 has been checked 216 times on our platform.
The phone numbers country code is GB, the national format of the number is 01923 257611 and the global format of the number is +441923257611.
The carrier name is BT, mobile country code is 234, and the phone type is Landline.
Our users from United Kingdom reported 01923 257611 in these categories Scam (1 times).
Watford, United Kingdom
Country Code
LandlineMobile Country Code
234Area Name
WatfordArea Code
Approximate Location
Latest reports
Report 01923 257611
7 Months AgoCaller Id usually send unrecognised numbers to answerphone whereupon they cut off. This call appeared to come from my landline dialling code and was answered because of others calls expected. The caller claimed to be from a baking source - unnamed - about recent unrecognised credit card transactions. Two options offered, second being to speak to someone about it. Call terminated. There was an unreported call a few days earlier from 01923228724 which (memory says) used an identical message and was treated in the same way.