Investigation report for 02033222305

Updated 11 Months Ago

The phone number 02033222305 is one of the most searched numbers in our database, the frequency of checks sometimes indicates the number belongs to a business or company and as considered the number is an assigned number being used for Amazon Delivery Services.

Drivers of Amazon are provided a phone number that allows them to call customers to check the address, find the right location or sometimes leave the parcel in a safe place. This is a safe way to make work efficient by providing a common number that all driver's calls will be connected to, and it also signals confidence to consumers knowing that drivers can change but the number calling is specific.

About the owner of 020 3322 2305

Amazon is a large corporation and well-known company; hence we can clearly state the number is safe and secure to receive a phone call, possibly there would be some mistakes which may not rule out the trust enabled on Amazon delivery services. Amazon has outstanding performance in next-day delivery service and the reason it has established confidence in its delivery windows is using high technology to track the stops before the parcel is delivered and on-time notifications.

Drivers are also assigned a phone line that allows multiple users to make calls to consumers safely with drivers not being able to access personal data. Amazon Logistics which is Amazon’s own operation or in some cases deliveries are facilitated for orders with local and regional delivery service partners across the UK, seven days a week between 6:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m.

Is 020 3322 2305 a legitimate phone number?

Amazon drivers may call or text the phone numbers provided by consumers in their account information to deliver their order, if a call is received from number 02033222305 probably an Amazon Logistics Driver is trying to reach you to deliver your order.

Disclaimer: We have no affiliation whatsoever with the number owner or any subsidiary companies related to the phone number in investigations. Reports posted are entirely of our own checks and gathered information by community engagement. If you have been a victim of spam/scam or fraud calls we are unable to help with these specific issues and you need to contact the police immediately.

Who called me from 02033222305?

The phone number +442033222305 has a rating of Neutral, we are still processing the reports by the United Kingdom community.

The phone number 02033222305 has been checked 3487 times on our platform.

The phone numbers country code is GB, the national format of the number is 020 3322 2305 and the global format of the number is +442033222305.

The carrier name is (aq) Limited T/A aql, mobile country code is 234, and the phone type is Landline.

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United Kingdom Flag

London, United Kingdom

  • Country Code

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    (aq) Limited T/A aql
  • Type

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