Who called me from 02843750949?

The users from United Kingdom reported +442843750949 phone number 1 times, our users rated 028 4375 0949 phone number as Unknown.

The phone number 02843750949 has been checked 502 times on our platform.

The phone numbers country code is GB, the national format of the number is 028 4375 0949 and the global format of the number is +442843750949.

The carrier name is BT, mobile country code is 234, and the phone type is Landline.

Our users from United Kingdom reported 028 4375 0949 in these categories Spam (1 times).

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United Kingdom Flag

Northern Ireland, United Kingdom

  • Country Code

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  • Mobile Country Code

  • Area Name

    Northern Ireland
  • Area Code

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One Year Ago

This is new era of spam, they call you and they dont need your answer, they know you will check them in google and that what they want. When you search by number you will see business and start checking. I the same time google position them higher because you search for the business. When 1000+ people search for the same business google engine thing this is good business and position spam business over the real good one. That how it works guys and by your mistake of searching spam business you help tem grow and be even more evil.

Report 028 4375 0949


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