Investigation report for 03308089283

7 Months Ago

The number initiates with the 0330 prefix, the 0330 number is classified as a non-geographic phone number in the UK. Ofcom introduced 03 phone numbers as an alternative to premium 08 numbers. Typically, organisations and businesses prefer these numbers to establish a national presence without imposing additional charges on callers.

Which company uses 0330 808 9283?

The number 03308089283 has been reported by call receivers many times and we found that the number is operated by the WorldPay Customer Service Centre the legal name is Worldpay Group plc. When a recurring payment attempt is unsuccessful, it indicates that your card issuer did not authorize the payment. There could be various reasons for this, such as the card details stored in your agreement being invalid (e.g., if your card has been cancelled) or insufficient funds available on your card to cover the required amount at the time of the payment attempt this may be the reason of the call. The Worldpay Recurring Payments (FuturePay) system will make three consecutive attempts to process the payment following a failure.

About the owner of 0330 808 9283

Worldpay Group plc, formerly known as RBS WorldPay, operated as a payment processing company. Initially listed on the London Stock Exchange, it underwent acquisition by Vantiv on January 16, 2018. Following the merger, the combined entity adopted the name Worldpay, Inc. Subsequently, Worldpay, Inc. was acquired by FIS in July 2019 for a total of $43 billion.

WorldPay originated as an online multi-currency payment system in 1997, founded by Nick Ogden. In collaboration with National Westminster Bank, Ogden facilitated the financial systems, while Andrew Birch of Symbiant contributed to the end-user payment gateway. With the acquisition of National Westminster Bank by the Royal Bank of Scotland, Worldpay became wholly owned and integrated with Streamline, an electronic payment system initially introduced by Centre-file Ltd, a subsidiary of National Westminster Bank, in 1989.

The WorldPay Privacy Policy states that in the course of handling your personal data, automated processes may be employed to make decisions. Automated decisions may include determining the potential risk of fraud or money laundering based on behaviours. This evaluation may occur if WorldPay processing identifies patterns similar to those of known fraudsters or money launderers, if your actions are inconsistent with your past submissions, or if there are indications that you intentionally concealed your true identity. You have the option to request manual decision-making instead of automated decision-making. However, choosing this option may result in us being unable to provide you with our products.

What to do when you receive a call from 0330 808 9283?

If you are unhappy with how they are processing your personal data, you have the right to raise a complaint with them as they have a “Fair Processing Notice”. WorldPay data protection officer can be contacted via email using the following address: [email protected],  by post at Data Protection, Liberis Ltd, Scale Space Building 1st Floor, 58 Wood Lane, London, W12 7RZ and by phone at 01276 944512.

TPS register also allows you to prevent receiving unwanted marketing calls in the UK for landlines but if your consent had been previously granted then you will need to cancel this specifically by the company that has consented to stop receiving unwanted marketing calls disturbing you.

Disclaimer: We have no affiliation whatsoever with the number owner or any subsidiary companies related to the phone number in investigations. Reports posted are entirely of our own checks and gathered information by community engagement. If you have been a victim of spam/scam or fraud calls we are unable to help with these specific issues and you need to contact the police immediately.

Who called me from 03308089283?

The phone number +443308089283 has a rating of Neutral, we are still processing the reports by the United Kingdom community.

The phone number 03308089283 has been checked 1461 times on our platform.

The phone numbers country code is GB, the national format of the number is 0330 808 9283 and the global format of the number is +443308089283.

The carrier name is Voxbone SA, mobile country code is 234, and the phone type is Landline.

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United Kingdom Flag

United Kingdom

  • Country Code

  • Carrier

    Voxbone SA
  • Type

  • Mobile Country Code

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