Investigation report for 03332029514

9 Months Ago

The numerical sequence commences with the 0333 prefix, indicating its classification as a non-geographical number (NGN). NGN, an acronym for non-geographical numbers, encompasses landline numbers. Noteworthy characteristics of NGNs include memorable number combinations and, owing to their lower operational costs, they have emerged as the preferred choice for companies in recent years when establishing communication channels with their clientele.

Which company uses 0333 202 9514?

The number 03332029514 has been reported by call receivers so many times as a scam but there is a variation in the reports regarding the nature of the call, we called the number, and it is operated by British Gas. If you had a query submitted to British Gas for a boiler check or fitting it might be related to that or an account-related query can also be the reason for the call.

About the owner of 0333 202 9514

British Gas is the energy company trading under the name of Scottish Gas in Scotland and British Gas in other parts of the UK, the legal name of the company is British Gas Services Limited and British Gas New Heating Limited, they operate as subsidiaries of Centrica. The customers receiving the services from British Gas exceed the number of 12 million houses in the UK. It is the biggest energy provider in the country and known to be one of the biggest 6 dominators of the energy company.

The rise of British Gas in the UK goes back to the 19th century with this old history in the market it is one of the most recognised energy companies in the UK, throughout its history many smaller energy supplier companies have been acquired by British Gas. It gained a dominant position by becoming a major part of the new North Thames Gas Board in 1949. In recent years British Gas has been criticized for unacceptable practices over their workers and enforced practices of installing prepaid meters into people's houses which has financial struggles. For its trading name, it can be considered as a supplier of Gas only, but British Gas is an energy supplier to homes for gas and electricity.

Is the company using 0333 202 9514 legitimate?

British Gas is a large and legitimate organisation, their call centre number is 03301000056 for energy-related queries and for home services, it is 03330095784. You can also have a live chat at the link it is regarded as the fastest response hence advisable to use this method. British Gas Data Protection Officers can be reached via email at [email protected]. The postal address of the data protection officer is The Data Protection Officer, Centrica Plc, Millstream, Maidenhead Road, Windsor, Berkshire. SL4 5GD.

Some reports to our platform from call receivers indicate that some calls look like from the number 03332029514 but the caller reported having an interest in the financial details of the recipient, if you have experienced similar situation where the calling number shows up on your phone as 03332029514/British Gas but the caller is discussing or asking questions not related to your energy account query then there is a possibility the caller is spoofing the number. Identifying spoofing can be challenging, and it carries potential risks if not handled cautiously. It is strongly advised not to disclose any personal information to the caller for safety reasons. Legitimate company representatives would respect your decision to withhold information and would offer alternative methods for verifying their identity, ensuring a secure interaction.

What to do when you receive a call from 0333 202 9514?

If you are disturbed by calls processed by British Gas and if calls become persistent and start to raise disturbance for you then you may be able to contact British Gas directly to ask for your personal data to be removed from their database for marketing calls and this can also be requested in writing. British Gas is a compliant organisation if you would like your personal details to be forgotten this is a genuine request and you have the right to exercise your rights.  TPS register also allows you to prevent receiving unwanted marketing calls in the UK for landlines but if your consent had been previously granted then you will need to cancel this specifically by the company that has consented to stop receiving unwanted marketing calls disturbing you.

Disclaimer: We have no affiliation whatsoever with the number owner or any subsidiary companies related to the phone number in investigations. Reports posted are entirely of our own checks and gathered information by community engagement. If you have been a victim of spam/scam or fraud calls we are unable to help with these specific issues and you need to contact the police immediately.

Who called me from 03332029514?

The phone number +443332029514 has a rating of Neutral, we are still processing the reports by the United Kingdom community.

The phone number 03332029514 has been checked 1973 times on our platform.

The phone numbers country code is GB, the national format of the number is 0333 202 9514 and the global format of the number is +443332029514.

The carrier name is Vodafone, mobile country code is 234, and the phone type is Landline.

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