Investigation report for 03454541111

Updated One Year Ago

The number starts with the 0345 prefix. Numbers starting with the prefix 0345 are categorized as non-geographic numbers. In contrast to conventional telephone area codes, these codes do not indicate a specific location. Consequently, a business possessing a 0345 number could be situated virtually anywhere within the United Kingdom.

Which company uses 0345 454 1111?

The phone number 0345 454 1111 is associated with Virgin Media's official customer service centre. Virgin Media a leading telecommunications company in the United Kingdom, utilizes this number to offer customer support and assistance. Customers can contact this number for inquiries, subscriptions, cancellations, and other service-related matters. It's crucial to dial this number directly and not in response to an unsolicited incoming call to verify that you are communicating with Virgin Media's authentic customer service. We also have the number published by Virgin Media at the link The customer service team of Virgin Media is available Monday to Friday, 8 am until 9 pm, Saturday, 8 am until 8 pm and Sunday, 8 am until 6 pm.

If you receive a call from the number 03454541111, the call is from Virgin Media, it is a legitimate organization, and the number may be linked to your account, new offers, marketing and billing.

About the owner of 0345 454 1111

Founded in 2007, Virgin Media is an English telecommunications company that offers telephone, television, and internet services across the United Kingdom. The company's headquarters are located at Green Park in Reading, England. Virgin Media is under the ownership of Virgin Media O2, a 50:50 joint venture between Liberty Global and Telefónica.

Virgin Media operates its own Hybrid Fibre-Coaxial (HFC) and Fibre-to-the-Premises (FTTP) networks throughout the United Kingdom. While the majority of the network focuses on urban areas, the joint venture Nexfibre, a collaboration between Virgin Media O2 and Infravia Capital Partners, is extending the network to regions previously without access to Virgin Media services. As of Q2 2023, Virgin Media served approximately 5.8 million customers. Following the acquisition of Smallworld Cable in 2014, Virgin Media has become the primary cable provider in the UK, covering 51% of households, excluding WightFibre on the Isle of Wight. Virgin Media's main competitors in the broadband sector include Sky, BT (EE), and TalkTalk.

What to do when you receive a call from 0345 454 1111

If you are not a Virgin customer but still receiving calls from the number 03454541111 it is probably because other companies Virgin uses to market and sell their products and services on their behalf had your details in their data list. Even estate agents can pass your details as a new tenant or acquirer of a new property, the collection of data has a wide range of sources for the Virgin Media marketing team but if you are concerned please be aware unless you ask directly not to, they store your generic details (i.e. name, surname, contact details) for up to two years after you stop being a customer, to contact you for marketing purposes. You have the right to erasure, to request the deletion or removal of your information where there’s no compelling reason for Virgin Media to keep using it. Please email [email protected] to exercise your rights.

Disclaimer: We have no affiliation whatsoever with the number owner or any subsidiary companies related to the phone number in investigations. Reports posted are entirely of our own checks and gathered information by community engagement. If you have been a victim of spam/scam or fraud calls we are unable to help with these specific issues and you need to contact the police immediately.

Who called me from 03454541111?

The phone number +443454541111 has a rating of Neutral, we are still processing the reports by the United Kingdom community.

The phone number 03454541111 has been checked 1184 times on our platform.

The phone numbers country code is GB, the national format of the number is 0345 454 1111 and the global format of the number is +443454541111.

The carrier name is Virgin Media Limited, mobile country code is 234, and the phone type is Landline.

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United Kingdom Flag

United Kingdom

  • Country Code

  • Carrier

    Virgin Media Limited
  • Type

  • Mobile Country Code

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