Who called me from 07375071001?

The users from United Kingdom reported +447375071001 phone number 1 times, our users rated 07375 071001 phone number as Harassing.

The phone number 07375071001 has been checked 325 times on our platform.

The phone numbers country code is GB, the national format of the number is 07375 071001 and the global format of the number is +447375071001.

The carrier name is T-Mobile (UK) Limited, mobile country code is 234, mobile network code is 30, and the phone type is Mobile.

Our users from United Kingdom reported 07375 071001 in these categories Scam (1 times).

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United Kingdom Flag

United Kingdom

  • Country Code

  • Carrier

    T-Mobile (UK) Limited
  • Type

  • Mobile Network Code

  • Mobile Country Code

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a smith

10 Months Ago

I advertised an item online. This person called me regularly trying to get my personal details from the mobile numbers registered. Although I placed an advert with clear area information, he didn’t know which location of the country I lived or much about the item advertised. He only wanted to know where I lived. When I hesitated and asked him where he would be travelling from the wouldn’t give a location and he said "About an hour away" even though he didn’t know where I lived and was not familiar with the advertisement. Sounds like someone getting mobile numbers from the internet. He was English and sounded very shifty. Have received subsequent withheld numbers with same performance which i now refuse to answer.

Report 07375 071001


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