Who called me from 01509437111?

The users from United Kingdom reported +441509437111 phone number 25 times, our users rated 01509 437111 phone number as Dangerous.

The phone number 01509437111 has been checked 893 times on our platform.

The phone numbers country code is GB, the national format of the number is 01509 437111 and the global format of the number is +441509437111.

The carrier name is Telefonica UK, mobile country code is 234, and the phone type is Landline.

Our users from United Kingdom reported 01509 437111 in these categories Fraud (19 times), Scam (20 times), Insurance (1 times), Spam (2 times), Uncategorized (3 times).

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United Kingdom Flag

Loughborough, United Kingdom

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    Telefonica UK
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Henley Jennings

2 Years Ago

They claimed to be from Currys, but I was pretty sure they were not. Because when I asked them about their services, they knew nothing. Surely, they were scammers. Be aware of such callers.


David Jacobs

2 Years Ago

They claimed to be from Curry's aftersale service dep. I purchased various items from Currys. Since I purchased stuff from Currys, I started getting calls from this number. I don’t know if they are legit or not.


Sarah-Jane Browne

2 Years Ago

They claimed to be from Currys. I just recently bought a few things from Curry. After buying, I started getting calls from this number. They were trying to sell some kind of insurance on Gadgets. Clearly, scam callers.


Dana Johnson

2 Years Ago

As I was also Curry's regular customer, and just like other people, I also got a call from this caller who claimed to be from Currys. They continued calling me even though I told them not to call me again.


Aaron Aguilar

2 Years Ago

This caller claim to be from Currys. I recently bought a new dryer from Currys store. They were trying to sell hard selling insurance. They sounded like scammers. So I hung up the call.


Matthew Hall

2 Years Ago

I recently bought a few things from Currys. After a few days of purchasing, I got calls from this number. The caller claimed to be from Curry's aftersale service. It was asking for my personal details. Real scammers. Be careful.


Margaret Daniels

2 Years Ago

They are very annoying and irritating. They are true fraudsters. They were kept calling me, and after attending their call, they claimed to be from Currys. They were offering me insurance.


Ariyah Logan

2 Years Ago

There was a man on the call who was offering me something that I was not interested in buying. I told him that I was not interested, but he kept forcing me. Probably, it was a scammer.


Jamie Murphy DDS

2 Years Ago

This is the fake caller. It was offering me insurance on my Currys products. The caller claimed to be from Curry's company, but when I called Curry to confirm, they said it was not their number.


Kimberly Tran

2 Years Ago

Got a call from this number asking for my partner. They knew my name and my husband's name as well. He was asking for my husband. And when I replied he was not available yet, he hung up the call. Scam caller.


David Anderson

2 Years Ago

Got several missed calls from this unknown number. When answered, they claimed to be from Currys. They were offering insurance to me as I recently did shopping from Currys. I searched this number here to confirm if they are genuine, but I came to know, they are scammers.


Justine Martin

2 Years Ago

They are from Currys. They were trying to sell me insurance plans on different gadgets. Calling me for so long. I told them I was not interested in the insurance, but they kept calling me.


Beth Hess

2 Years Ago

I have ordered from Currys. It was about one and a half week ago. And now, after reading feedback from other people, it is probably an insurance related call from this number. I have not received any call yet, so I am blocking this number. If Currys really need to connect me, they will leave a voice mail.


Hashim Estes

2 Years Ago

I recently bought a few items from Currys. A few days after the shopping, this number started calling me again and again. The caller claimed to be from Currys and offered me aftercare services. Unsolicited calls. Blocked.


Akaash Dudley

2 Years Ago

Curry's aftercare service caller. They called me several times. I don't get why they kept calling me. I bought a few things from Curry last month. Since I bought from Curry, they kept calling. They are very annoying and irritating.


Travis Massey

2 Years Ago

They claimed to be from Curry's aftersale service department. But I did not believe them because they never call from a local number to their customers. I refused to take their offer and then blocked this number.


Tayyab Edwards

2 Years Ago

Do not believe this caller as it claims to be from Curry's aftercare department. They are scam callers. After buying something from Curry, they started calling me for aftercare services. I do not believe them.


Atlas Fitzgerald

2 Years Ago

I ordered from Currys, and same like others, after ordering, I kept getting random calls. And when I received a call, they claimed to be from Currys and asked me for my personal details. So I think they are scammers. Currys really need to work on a firewall.


Robert Shepherd

2 Years Ago

Just like everyone else here, I have also done shopping from Curry. So I also got calls from this number. They are very annoying, and I don’t believe that this is the genuine number of Curry. They are scam callers. And if their calls continue, I will never shop from Currys again.


Brenda Martinez

2 Years Ago

I bought something from Currys store a few days back. After purchase, I started getting calls from this number. The caller claimed to be from Curry's aftercare dep. They were offering me insurance on the item I bought.


Manahil Reynolds

2 Years Ago

They are from Currys. They normally call when you purchase something from Curry. I recently purchase something from Curry, and this number started calling me for aftercare services. Hard sell.


Davey Clifford

2 Years Ago

This caller claimed to be from Currys PC World. They were trying to sell me insurance on different items. I don’t believe them that they were calling genuinely from Currys. So I blocked them.


Judith Bright

2 Years Ago

I bought a washing machine recently from Currys. They called me from this number to offer aftersale hard selling insurance for my washing machine. I usually block the local reading numbers, but still, they somehow manage to call me from this number. I just hung up and then blocked it.


Tania Estes

2 Years Ago

They claimed to be from Currys, but I don’t think so. After a few days of shopping from Currys, they started calling me and offering me insurance on gadgets. Clearly, they are scammers.


Precious Fritz

2 Years Ago

A guy called me from this number asking for my husband. He knew my husband name. The caller said the guarantee of my Samsung TV was gonna end and offered me something. He was asking for my husband again and again, and when I said he was not here, he hung up the call saying he would call next week. We bought our TV from Currys, so I checked this number on their site. It was a scam call, so I later blocked this number.

Report 01509 437111


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