Mr. Christopher Marks DDS
2 Years AgoWho called me from 01709276992?
The users from United Kingdom reported +441709276992 phone number 24 times, our users rated 01709 276992 phone number as Harassing.
The phone number 01709276992 has been checked 876 times on our platform.
The phone numbers country code is GB, the national format of the number is 01709 276992 and the global format of the number is +441709276992.
The carrier name is Nexbridge Communications, mobile country code is 234, and the phone type is Landline.
Our users from United Kingdom reported 01709 276992 in these categories Fraud (4 times), Scam (5 times), Robocall (1 times), Spam (16 times), Uncategorized (3 times).
Rotherham, United Kingdom
Country Code
Nexbridge CommunicationsType
LandlineMobile Country Code
234Area Name
RotherhamArea Code
Approximate Location
Latest reports
This caller claimed to be from a call centre, but it seemed like the caller was telling a lie. It started calling me and irritating me for a long time. I blocked it now. Be aware of such callers.
Erin Lee
2 Years AgoReceived a call from this number a few days ago. It was a call from a call centre. They were offering me a new boiler. They said that I need a new boiler. I told them I already had a new boiler, but they kept on forcing me. Finally, I blocked them.
Mccauley Sadler
2 Years AgoIrritating caller. It started ringing my phone in the morning and ended up at midnight. I read comments here and knew that they were harassers. I blocked it right away. Be careful.
Janice Morgan
2 Years AgoThey are very annoying. They were calling for a few days. I picked up the call, and they put down the phone. It repeats until I finally block them. They were harassing me. Be aware of them.
Judith Bright
2 Years AgoIt was a robocall. It irritates me by calling again and again. Even though I hung up the calls several times, they kept calling me. I finally blocked this number. Be careful of them.
Scott Nelson
2 Years AgoI got two missed calls from this unknown number at two different times of the day. I did not call back because I never called on those numbers that I did not recognise. I don't have any idea who it was.
Stephanie Hopkins
2 Years AgoI got so many calls from this caller. This caller was claiming to be from Home Repair Network Limited. I never dealt with this company, so I did not have any idea about them and where they got my number.
Jessica Quinn
2 Years AgoLast week, I got various rings from this number. I did not recognise this number, so I did not attend the call, but they kept calling me. I did not answer any of the calls and would not respond in the future too. Blocked it.
David Moore
2 Years AgoI recently received numerous missed calls from this unknown number on my phone. It kept calling me and harassing me. I have no idea who it is. I blocked this number today. Be aware of such callers.
Billie-Jo Kelly
2 Years AgoI daily get 4 to 5 calls from this unknown number. It is a nuisance caller. Very irritating and annoying. I was very tired of this number, so I finally blocked it.
Vicky Alford
2 Years AgoIt is a scam caller. I blocked the number after reading comments here. This number was calling me for two weeks, and I was ignoring it. A few days back, I searched it and came to know it was a scammer.
Scott Chapman
3 Years AgoI got a number of calls from this company. They were offering me to replace my old boiler with a new one. But I refused to take the offer and told them not to call me again. But they call me again and again. Now, I blocked them.
Joseph Strong
3 Years AgoVery annoying. They called me several times to me in the last few days. I got irritated by this number, so I blocked it. I searched this number and came to know it was a spam caller.
Jerome Stott
3 Years AgoVery annoying and extremely irritating caller. Called me a lot of times and still calling. I read the comments here and came to know they are a nuisance caller. When I answered the call, they put down the phone. Block it now.
Nimra Donovan
3 Years AgoRecently got this new and unknown number calling me constantly. I keep getting calls from this unknown but irritating number. I don’t know who they are, and I never attend unknown number calls, so I would not answer them. Now block them.
Zakir Mcguire
3 Years AgoI don't get the point why they call me when they don't want to speak on the call. I got three calls yesterday and two calls today from this number. When I attended, no one spoke. Very annoying and harassing.
Brandon Freeman
3 Years AgoThey are very annoying. They were offering me a new boiler and giving me an offer to replace my new boiler. I get several calls from this number. I did not believe them as they were calling me over and over again. Blocked them.
Matthew Owens
3 Years AgoA few weeks ago, I received a missed call from this number. It was a new number for me. Then I keep getting calls from this caller. I never answered it and surely would not. Now I have blocked this number.
Thomas Smith
3 Years AgoThey are very annoying. It is the number of a call centre. I got several calls from this number. I blocked it because they were calling me again and again. They were harassing me. Blocked.
Matthew Phillips
3 Years AgoThe caller was offering me to replace my old boiler with the new energy-efficient boiler. It is an energy company. They were giving me a nice offer. The caller was providing me info regarding boilers as well.
Douglas Williams
3 Years AgoThis caller is so annoying. It was calling me again and again, and when I picked up the call, no one answered in return. Very irritating and annoying. Blocked them right away.
Fran Cooper
3 Years AgoThey called me several times. I attended the call, and the caller claimed to be from Home Repair Network Limited. I do not remember that I ever had dealings with this company. I have no idea where they got my number. I have now reported this scam caller to ICO.
Yassin Yu
3 Years AgoI only received a missed call from this number. I never call back to the number that does not leave any message. I just wanted to know whose number is this and why they were calling me. It's a spam number.
Report 01709 276992
Natalie O'Moore
2 Years AgoIt was one of the most annoying callers that had irritated me for one long week without any break. I got so many calls. Luckily I read comments here and realised it was a scam caller.