Who called me from 01983751193?

The users from United Kingdom reported +441983751193 phone number 1 times, our users rated 01983 751193 phone number as Dangerous.

The phone number 01983751193 has been checked 290 times on our platform.

The phone numbers country code is GB, the national format of the number is 01983 751193 and the global format of the number is +441983751193.

The carrier name is BT, mobile country code is 234, and the phone type is Landline.

Our users from United Kingdom reported 01983 751193 in these categories Robocall (1 times).

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United Kingdom Flag

Isle of Wight, United Kingdom

  • Country Code

  • Carrier

  • Type

  • Mobile Country Code

  • Area Name

    Isle of Wight
  • Area Code

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Pauline Tyrell

7 Months Ago

Landline robot call from local area code and number, advising of suspicious bank activity. Checked with bank fraud dept , all appears to be ok. Bit worrying 'cos my friend received an email that WASN'T from me over the weekend... has my email been hacked?

Report 01983 751193


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