Who called me from 08006783393?

The users from United Kingdom reported +448006783393 phone number 6 times, our users rated 0800 678 3393 phone number as Safe.

The phone number 08006783393 has been checked 863 times on our platform.

The phone numbers country code is GB, the national format of the number is 0800 678 3393 and the global format of the number is +448006783393.

The carrier name is BT, mobile country code is 234, and the phone type is Landline.

Our users from United Kingdom reported 0800 678 3393 in these categories Uncategorized (6 times).

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United Kingdom

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Kellie Newton

2 Years Ago

This number is the number of NHS, and this number is officially allotted to the NHS government sector. They call me to remind me of my appointment with them. They are genuine callers.


Rachael Guerrero

2 Years Ago

It is the genuine number of NHS services. I received a call from this number two days ago, and the caller claimed to be from hospital staff. They called me to confirm my appointment.


Ismael Barker

2 Years Ago

This is the legitimate service of NHS. They call you for an appointment reminder or to give NHS information. I also received a call from this number a few days ago. Safe caller.


Kevin Brown

2 Years Ago

It was NHS calling me for my appointment. It was a very polite and kind lady on the call. She claimed to be from Hospital Staff. I attended this call yesterday evening.


Rachel Lyons

2 Years Ago

It is the genuine number of NHS. My son is an NHS employee, and whenever he is on duty and needs to call me, he uses this number. There is no need to worry about this number. Safe caller.


Madison Bennett

2 Years Ago

This number is allotted to a government sector. My daughter is doing a job in NHS, which is a government department. And whenever she is on duty or in any place while on duty, she always call me from this number.

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