Investigation report for +375443578357

Updated 8 Months Ago

The number starts with a +375 prefix therefore it is a number from Belarus which may leave you perplexed to understand who is calling a UK number from Belarus. The number has been reported numerous times by the public as a scam. We investigated how the number operates; it is an incoming call receiving number our first advice would be not to call the number back as you might be charged £15-£30 range to call them back depending on your tariff with the network provider.

Which country is +375443578357 located?

Belarus is in Eastern Europe, its legal name is the Republic of Belarus with a border with Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Lithuania and Latvia. Being the 13th largest population in Europe Belarus has 9.2 million population, many legitimate companies are operating internationally in Belarus but the number we are investigating is known as the Golden Lottery Scam by thousands of reports, it is also classified as disturbing since calling times are not ordinary.

They are claimed to be impersonating a customer service department of a golden lottery and the caller is stated to be the winner of extreme amounts like 20 million Euros on the call, it is very suspicious since the caller number is not a UK number and we do not have a golden lottery in the UK, our only legitimate lottery is National Lottery in the UK and even if you win the lottery nobody would receive a call from a prefix of +375 as the region of the number is outside the UK.

The other interesting point is the caller has an accent not associated with or stated to be a Russian accent by the reporters, may call receivers state that the caller has an Asian accent rather than an Eastern European accent. If something feels too good to be true, it very likely is hence we kindly ask all call receivers from such numbers to be extra careful.

What to do when you receive a call from +375443578357?

There are various lottery scams online and somehow these scammers are also able to contact thousands of people using phone numbers, this has substantially increased in recent years, any lottery that is being properly operated in the UK would be registered to the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), you can check the organiser of the lottery in FCA website and make a complaint if you feel suspicious about a lottery to be scam for further investigation. Bogus lotteries and mainly false Facebook lottery scams are also a few to recognise. If a caller states that you won the lottery, in most cases it would relate to a bogus lottery scam and the number +375443578357 is not a safe number to answer and we would advise the recipient of the calls to block them.

Disclaimer: We have no affiliation whatsoever with the number owner or any subsidiary companies related to the phone number in investigations. Reports posted are entirely of our own checks and gathered information by community engagement. If you have been a victim of spam/scam or fraud calls we are unable to help with these specific issues and you need to contact the police immediately.

Who called me from +375443578357?

The users from United Kingdom reported +375443578357 phone number 23 times, our users rated +375443578357 phone number as Dangerous.

The phone number +375443578357 has been checked 620 times on our platform.

The phone numbers country code is BY, the national format of the number is 8 044 357-83-57 and the global format of the number is +375443578357.

The carrier name is A1 (Velcom), mobile country code is 257, mobile network code is 01, and the phone type is Mobile.

Our users from United Kingdom reported +375443578357 in these categories Fraud (15 times), Scam (16 times), Spam (6 times), Uncategorized (1 times).

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Belarus Flag


  • Country Code

  • Carrier

    A1 (Velcom)
  • Type

  • Mobile Network Code

  • Mobile Country Code

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Louis Ortiz

2 Years Ago

They kept calling me for many days, but I did not attend any of their calls because I usually do not attend unfamiliar numbers that do not leave any voicemail. Surely, scam callers.


Noa Parra

2 Years Ago

It rang once for two seconds and then hung up. I googled this number and came to know that it was a Wangiri call. I blocked it instantly. Be aware of such numbers and callers. Do not attend their call.


Lance Morrison

2 Years Ago

This is the third unknown number that I had attended, claimed to be from Belarus. They are utter clowns that have irritated me for so long. I have now blocked them. Be aware of them.


Robert Adkins

2 Years Ago

Got several calls from this caller. I didn't recognize this number, and I had no idea why they were calling me again and again. I searched this number. It has negative comments. I blocked it.


Francisca Mcknight

2 Years Ago

Repeated calls from this number. I am tired of this caller. It calls at any time – at midnight, morning, and evening. And when answered, no one spoke, and they just hung up. Harassers.


Anjali Horn

2 Years Ago

I received so many missed calls from this number. Probably it is a Wangiri call, so I blocked the number straightaway after reading several reviews. So it is suggested to block them immediately and not to attend their call.


Anthony Tate

2 Years Ago

I got a call from this unknown number on my phone late at night. This number only rang once on my phone. I did not call back because eit was an unknown number. So I have no idea who it was.


Miranda Simpson

2 Years Ago

It is a spam caller. It called me several times, but I did not pick up any of its calls. I googled this number to know if it is an official number of a company. But I came to know it was a spam call.


Jonathan Morales

2 Years Ago

Rude Irish man that claimed to be from O2. I am already an O2 customer, and I know when O2 calls me, the number displays as O2 on caller ID. This number is surely used by a scam caller.


Archibald Gamble

2 Years Ago

They are utter clowns. They kept calling me for almost two weeks. I blocked them, but these clowns are unstoppable. They are harassing me. Be careful of these callers.


Kenneth Ross

2 Years Ago

I am getting ridiculous calls from this number. It was so annoying. I even got a lot of calls from several similar numbers. It only rang once and then hung up the call. Unsolicited calls. Blocked.


Michael Ryan

2 Years Ago

They kept calling for so long. Unsolicited calls. Called at ridiculous times. It called multiple times in one day, and they kept calling for one week. Scam callers. Blocked them later.


Amanda Williams

2 Years Ago

It was an unknown number calling me for so long. They just rang me, and when I called them back, they cut off. Very annoying and harassing. I blocked the number and suggested all to block it.


Kirsten French

2 Years Ago

This is a scam caller as it calls at ridiculous times. I googled this number and came to know that it was a Wangiri call. Today, it again rang once then hung up. I blocked it now.


Jeremy Rivera MD

2 Years Ago

It is a repeated caller that always calls without any reason at any time. And the most annoying thing is the caller never speaks when answering the call. Blocked it finally. I recommend all to block this number.


David Noble

2 Years Ago

They called me from several similar numbers. They kept calling me for so long. I even received ten calls per day from this number. They were very harassing and very annoying. Blocked them.


Ethan Morgan

2 Years Ago

These scammers call at ridiculous times – they either call at night or early in the morning. Very annoying and irritating scammers. I then blocked them after two to three days of constant calls.


Milena Duke

2 Years Ago

They are utter clowns. They called at ridiculous times. Very annoying and very irritating. They even called me late at night. I blocked them because they were not stopping me from calling me.


Shannon Bradley

2 Years Ago

I received calls from this number at ridiculous times. I received several calls from various similar numbers at different times every day. So, I blocked this number. I suggest all ignore or either block it.


Lina Frey

2 Years Ago

This is a scam call. It calls at ridiculous times. It has no right time to call. It rings at any time - late night or very early morning. Thanks for the information. It is a Wangari call.


Delores Bright

2 Years Ago

I got a lot of missed calls from this number. It is a wangiri call. I blocked it. It is recommended not to attend or call back on this number as it is a scam. Block it.


Jason Miranda

2 Years Ago

On December 6 @ 20:12 Machester, my phone rang, and this number was displayed on my mobile phone. As I came to know, it was a scam call, so I avoided calling back to this number. Thanks for the feedback.


Tracy Bryant

2 Years Ago

I received a call from this number on my mobile at 22:30 hrs. I only received one ring from this number. I read the comments here as others have said to beware of this number. So now I blocked this number.

Report +375443578357


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