Who called me from +375443578680?

The users from United Kingdom reported +375443578680 phone number 24 times, our users rated +375443578680 phone number as Dangerous.

The phone number +375443578680 has been checked 605 times on our platform.

The phone numbers country code is BY, the national format of the number is 8 044 357-86-80 and the global format of the number is +375443578680.

The carrier name is A1 (Velcom), mobile country code is 257, mobile network code is 01, and the phone type is Mobile.

Our users from United Kingdom reported +375443578680 in these categories Fraud (16 times), Scam (16 times), Spam (7 times), Uncategorized (1 times).

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Belarus Flag


  • Country Code

  • Carrier

    A1 (Velcom)
  • Type

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  • Mobile Country Code

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Noah Carter

2 Years Ago

Kept calling me for two weeks. I ignored their calls, but they were harassing me by calling again and again. After reading comments here, I found that this number has a lot of negative comments. So now I have blocked it.


Ivor Stout

2 Years Ago

They were calling me again and again. I did not recognise the number, but somehow I attended the call thinking that it may be someone I knew. The caller said it was talking from Belarus. I did not know anyone from Belarus, so I hung up the call.


Hallie Armstrong

2 Years Ago

I got a missed call from this number a few days back. It only rang once and then hung up. I searched it here and knew that it would cost me money if I called them back. Scammers.


Nathaniel Barry

2 Years Ago

It is a scam caller. They called me a lot of times. When I answered one of their calls, they knew all about me and my account. They were pleasant enough, but I know they were scammers.


Rachael Guerrero

2 Years Ago

They are constantly calling me and irritating me. They call at any time. I am sick of it. Getting calls from this number all the time. I never answer. Blocked them. Be aware of such callers.


Ms. Monique Ramirez

2 Years Ago

Received a lot of calls from this number. Recently, I got the 8th call of the day from this scam caller. I attended one or two calls, and they were harassing and dangerous. Blocked it now.


Elijah Shelton

2 Years Ago

I got call from this number in the morning time. My phone rang four times. I did not receive any call. I searched this number on here and came to know that they are fraudsters. Blocked it.


Marcus Brown

2 Years Ago

I got several missed calls from this unknown number in the middle of the night. It was so annoying and disturbing at that time. I searched this number here and came to know that this is a spam caller. Blocked it right away.


Nicholas Davis

2 Years Ago

This was a very annoying caller. I got a call from this number at midnight time. It was around 3 am when my phone rang. I got two missed calls from this number. I read reviews about this number here. Blocked it.


Kelly Duarte

2 Years Ago

It was such a creep caller. It kept on calling for almost one week long. Finally, I got fed up with its silent calls, so I blocked it yesterday. Be aware of such callers and block them immediately.


Monique Sampson

2 Years Ago

They are fraudsters. They kept calling me for two weeks. I searched this number here and came to know that they are scammers and always in seek of doing scams with people. I blocked them.


Craig Sanchez

2 Years Ago

I received a call from this number last Sunday at midnight time. It was an unknown number for me. I did not recognize this number, so I did not attend the call. I don’t know who it was.


Heather Braun

2 Years Ago

They are scammers. I am getting calls from this number on a daily basis. My phone started ringing in the morning and continues to ring all day long. Finally, I blocked them today.


Julie Robinson

2 Years Ago

I got a number of missed calls from this scammer. This number is from Belarus. There is no relative or friend of mine lives in Belarus. So for sure, this number is a scammer. I blocked it.


Tanner Singleton

2 Years Ago

I got ten missed calls from this number. When I searched this number, it was from Belarus. I don’t know anyone from Belarus, so I added this number to the auto reject list. Block this number and do not attend this number or call back on it.


Derry Pollard

2 Years Ago

They called me so many times. After getting numerous calls in the midnight time, I searched this unknown number here. Blocked it right after reading several negative comments about this number.


Lynn Newman

2 Years Ago

After getting several calls from this number, even at midnight time, I searched this number on the internet. I am very happy that I checked reviews about this number on this site. So, now I have blocked the number.


Lynn Ward

2 Years Ago

This is so annoying caller. Called me again and again. This number says that it is originated in Belarus. Surely, it is not a genuine caller. I am sure it is a scam caller. Suggest blocking.


Helen Hood

2 Years Ago

Received six calls from this number yesterday. I did not recognize this number, and I had never picked up call from this number, so after receiving so many missed calls from this caller, I blocked it.


Steven Schroeder

2 Years Ago

It just keeps ringing on my phone. I have been receiving missed calls from this number since last week. I searched this number and came to know that this caller wanted you to ring back that costs money.


David Anderson

2 Years Ago

Very annoying caller. Kept on calling me from the last Sunday. I am fed up now. When I attend the call, no one speaks on the other end of the call. But constantly calling me. Thanks for the feedback. I am going to block this caller.


Kimberly Fletcher

2 Years Ago

It was late at night when I received a call from this number. It was so disturbing. I searched for this number because I thought It would be someone from my relatives or friends. But it was a number from Amsterdam. Scam caller.


Geoffrey Martin

2 Years Ago

I got one call late evening and two calls very early morning from this number. It is an abroad number because I have never gotten a call from such type of number before. Maybe it’s a scammer.


Cassandra Oliver

2 Years Ago

This number called me in the morning. I received four rings. Luckily, I did not receive any call from this number because I had another call from a private number. It was a lady that pretended to be in trouble, and the call was set up for me to panic and call in return. So they can charge me a premium rate for that call. It was clearly a fraud call.

Report +375443578680


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