Who called me from 07868802242?

The users from United Kingdom reported +447868802242 phone number 23 times, our users rated 07868 802242 phone number as Neutral.

The phone number 07868802242 has been checked 857 times on our platform.

The phone numbers country code is GB, the national format of the number is 07868 802242 and the global format of the number is +447868802242.

The carrier name is Hutchison 3G UK, mobile country code is 234, mobile network code is 20, and the phone type is Mobile.

Our users from United Kingdom reported 07868 802242 in these categories Fraud (2 times), Scam (2 times), Spam (4 times), Uncategorized (18 times).

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United Kingdom

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    Hutchison 3G UK
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One Year Ago

Load of nonsense. They created their own reviews. Its a scam.


Jennifer Terry

2 Years Ago

Yes, it was a delivery man who claimed to be from Amazon. Yes, it was a genuine Amazon caller who was calling me to confirm my address as I ordered something from Amazon. Safe caller.


Marta Singh

2 Years Ago

This is the genuine number of Amazon delivery boys. I received a call a few days back from this number. He called me to confirm my order. He was very polite and kind. Safe caller.


Mary Lambert

2 Years Ago

It was Amazon drivers that were calling me to inform me about my order from Amazon. I thought it was a scam caller. This was a genuine caller and was very polite and kind.


Teresa Odom

2 Years Ago

I attended a call from this number yesterday. The caller claimed to be an Amazon driver. My sister ordered something from Amazon and the caller confirmed her order that where to deliver it.


Jessica Dudley

2 Years Ago

It was Sunday noon when I received a call from this unknown number. It was an Amazon driver calling me to deliver my order to my place. He was very nice and very polite.


Harley Duran

2 Years Ago

There was a male caller who claimed to be from Amazon Prime. He was offering me gift vouchers and cards for my next buy. But when I searched this number here, I came to know it was a scam caller.


Stephen Cohen

2 Years Ago

This is not a scam caller. This is the genuine number of Amazon drivers. He was calling me for my order delivery service from Amazon. He was very nice and kind and delivered my order on time.


Jordan Santiago

2 Years Ago

They are legit. I recently ordered something from Amazon. After a few days, I got a call from this number. It was an Amazon driver. He called me to inform me that my order was on my way.


Holly Murphy

2 Years Ago

Amazon delivery man number that normally calls in order to confirm the order or to inform about the delivery. It called me last weekend when I was out of the station, so I directed his call to my sister.


Shane Lawson

2 Years Ago

This caller said he was talking on behalf of HSBC. I received this call when I was in my office. The caller was asking for my account number, which clearly sounded like it was a scammer. I hung up the call and blocked them instantly.


Kristen Ortiz

2 Years Ago

This number is safe. It is used by Amazon drivers to confirm the order and further instructions of order delivery. The driver was very polite and kind. He called me to confirm my order delivery.


Dennis Wagner

2 Years Ago

They claimed to be from HSBC. They were asking for my account number. But when I refused to give them my account number and asked them about what type of business they were running, they said they could not tell until I gave them my account number.


William Matthews

2 Years Ago

It was an Amazon driver. He was calling me as I ordered Stanley blades. The driver called me to confirm my order as well as asked me if someone over 18 was available at home because the order was of blades.


Raiden Bond

2 Years Ago

It is the genuine number. I ordered from Amazon, and it is the number of Amazon drivers. He called me to confirm my order and to let me know he was on the way to delivering my order. He was very efficient and professional.


Sara Green

2 Years Ago

It is the number of Amazon delivery drivers. He called me when my order was on the way and he had to deliver it to me. The driver was very nice to me. He was very professional and polite.


Caitlin Williams

2 Years Ago

It was the Amazon number calling me for my order delivery. The delivery man was calling me. It is a safe number. There is no fear of attending calls from this number. Amazon calls for order delivery.


Michael Sims

2 Years Ago

I ordered something from Amazon a few days back. After a few days of order, I got calls from this number. I thought it would be a scammer, but when I attended the call, it was the Amazon driver. He was telling me he will deliver my order safely and promptly.


Rizwan Guerrero

2 Years Ago

It is the genuine number of Amazon. This number is mainly used by their drivers who deliver the orders at home. I received the call from this number as I ordered something from Amazon. The driver called me to inform me that he was on his way to deliver my order.


Angel Franklin

2 Years Ago

A few days ago, I ordered from Amazon. After some days of order, I started getting calls from this number. As I don’t attend unknown numbers, I did not pick it up. But when I started getting a lot of calls on the same day, I attended it. It was from the Amazon driver to let me know about my parcel.


Michael Turner

2 Years Ago

It is the number of Amazon driver. He was calling me to notify me about my Amazon order delivery. He was very polite, professional, and efficient. Safe caller. Amazon delivery driver.


Oran Turner

2 Years Ago

It was a clear spam call. There was a man on the call claiming to be Amazon Prime selling gift cards to us. But those gift cards will then use by him. Spam caller.


Melissa Brown

2 Years Ago

It's a call from Amazon. I ordered something from the Amazon store, so it was a call for my order. I received my order at 18:23. Luckily, it's not a spam call for me.

Report 07868 802242


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