Who called me from 08000232635?

The users from United Kingdom reported +448000232635 phone number 7 times, our users rated 0800 023 2635 phone number as Safe.

The phone number 08000232635 has been checked 1467 times on our platform.

The phone numbers country code is GB, the national format of the number is 0800 023 2635 and the global format of the number is +448000232635.

The carrier name is BT, mobile country code is 234, and the phone type is Landline.

Our users from United Kingdom reported 0800 023 2635 in these categories Uncategorized (7 times).

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United Kingdom Flag

United Kingdom

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Shelley Tate

2 Years Ago

I got three missed calls from this number at different times in one day. When I called back, the caller claimed to be from PIP, a personal independence payment helpline.


Dotty Bowen

2 Years Ago

I was not busy when I attended a call from this number, so I instantly ended up the call saying I would talk to you later. When I called them back, it was a DWP call regarding PIP.


Michael Lowery

2 Years Ago

This was the genuine caller who claimed to be from a non-profit DWP organisation. It was a call from jobcentre. They reminded me of a job interview that I applied for a few days ago.


Julie Patrick

2 Years Ago

I got a call from DWP, and they informed me about an appointment for the job with them. The caller was very polite and nice to me. I first thought it was a scam call, but this was legit.


Syed Wilkes

2 Years Ago

They claimed to be from DWP. I got a call from this number last weekend. They were calling me for the NI number application. I thought it was a fraud, but it was not. Safe to attend the call.


Kenneth Berry

2 Years Ago

This is the real number of DWP. They called me for the NI number application. I was busy, so I did not attend the call. Later I received a voice message from this number in which they told me about issues concerned, staff name, and a few different numbers to call back. When I called back, it seemed genuine.


Daniel Myers

2 Years Ago

It was a call from DWP. They called me and informed me about an appointment that I have to attend two days later at a jobcentre. I think they dialled the wrong number. Anyhow, this number is from DWP.

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