Who called me from 08009524854?

The users from United Kingdom reported +448009524854 phone number 26 times, our users rated 0800 952 4854 phone number as Dangerous.

The phone number 08009524854 has been checked 1905 times on our platform.

The phone numbers country code is GB, the national format of the number is 0800 952 4854 and the global format of the number is +448009524854.

The carrier name is Virgin Media, mobile country code is 234, and the phone type is Landline.

Our users from United Kingdom reported 0800 952 4854 in these categories Fraud (21 times), Scam (21 times), Spam (3 times), Uncategorized (2 times).

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United Kingdom Flag

United Kingdom

  • Country Code

  • Carrier

    Virgin Media
  • Type

  • Mobile Country Code

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Margaret M Allen

4 Months Ago

They keep calling me saying they are 02, at least that is what comes up on my phone, that the caller is 02. I don't answer when I am not expecting a call from someone.


Lisa Henry

3 Years Ago

I got a call from this number yesterday. They claimed to be from O2. But I did not believe them because they were asking for my credit card details over the phone. They are scammers. Blocked them.


Carrol Ballard

3 Years Ago

They are scam callers. They kept calling me for so long. When I attended the call, they said they were calling on behalf of O2 and giving me an offer to upgrade my phone. I hung up and called the O2. They said this number was a scam.


Christopher Cox

3 Years Ago

It was the sales representative of O2 that was trying to sell me a brand new phone at a very cheap rate. I did not respond to him because I knew it was a scam call. And I was right. Blocked.


Kingsley Connor

3 Years Ago

They claimed to be from O2. They kept calling me for so long. Finally, I picked up their call. They were giving me a new contract, so when I told them I did not want any, they immediately hung up the call.


Patricia Dyer

3 Years Ago

They claimed to be from O2. An Irish man was on the call saying that he was from the LBM company. He asked me for my account number and card number. When I refused to give, he hung up the call. Scammers.


Tony Ray

3 Years Ago

They pretended to be from O2. They called me a lot of times. They kept calling me and pretended like they were from O2. After searching on this number, I came to know that they were fraudsters. Blocked them.


Selina Logan

3 Years Ago

It was an O2 representative. I received a call from this number a few days ago. The caller was offering me a new contract. He asked me to share my personal info. When I asked them why they were asking, they hung up the call.


Stacy Fleming

3 Years Ago

Received several missed calls last month. They kept calling and claimed to be from O2. But when I visited the official website of the O2, there was no such type of number anywhere on their site. Surely, it is a scam caller.


Emmanuella Bush

3 Years Ago

It is a scam caller. They called me a lot of time. They were offering me a reward for being a long-term customer. They said they will reward me a Samsung tablet. They knew all about me and my account. They were pleasant enough, but I know they were scammers.


Nathan Fuentes

3 Years Ago

It was the call from O2. There was a lady on the call that was trying to get customers to upgrade to their new phones. I was unable to do this financially, but I was happy with what I had. The lady that I spoke to was very lovely and understanding.


Helen Bridges

3 Years Ago

This caller is so much irritating and annoying. They have been calling me for more than one year. This caller is not stopping and keeps calling me. Very disturbing. Harassment.


Lisa Henry

3 Years Ago

This phone number calls several times a day. Very annoying. When I received the call, they claimed to be from O2. It is a scam caller. Do not attend the call. Just block it.


Wendy White MD

3 Years Ago

Kept calling me for two days. But it only rang off for a few seconds hardly and then hung up. I normally do not call back to unknown numbers that do not leave any voicemail. It is a spam caller. Blocked it.


Ethan Vasquez

3 Years Ago

Received calls from this number. The caller claimed to be from my mobile provider, but he did not call the name of my mobile provider, which means he was a scammer. I did not believe him, so I hung up the call and later, I blocked it.


Michelle White

3 Years Ago

They claimed to be from O2, but they are not. They called me yesterday to upgrade my phone. They were giving me an offer of a Samsung phone. I called the O2, and they said this was not their number and the caller was a scam.


Erika Blundell

3 Years Ago

It was an Irish man who claimed to be from O2. He was a sales representative of O2. He was very pushy and was giving me an offer of an iPhone 13 at half of its original price. Of course, it was a scam.


Deborah Welsh

3 Years Ago

They kept calling me day and night. There was no specific time of their call. I searched this number and read feedback from people who are getting calls from this number. And after reading feedback, I block this number now.


Timothy Tate

3 Years Ago

They are scammers who claimed to be from O2. They are not O2. It is a scam call centre. This caller tries to get people to upgrade their phones. I contacted O2, and they told me that this number is not theirs. It is a scam caller.


Elijah Shelton

3 Years Ago

The caller claimed to be from O2. It was an Irish man who was very rude. I blocked them because if they were genuinely from O2, then they needed to sort out their staff. I am an old O2 customer, and I always got calls from the official O2 number, not like this local number.


Madison Bennett

3 Years Ago

Received a lot of calls from this number. Recently, I got the 6th call of the day from this scam caller. I attended one or two calls, and they were harassing and dangerous. Very annoying.


Amanpreet Leal

3 Years Ago

I received a call from this number, and the man on the call claimed to be from O2. He said he could save me money on my tariff if I followed the things he told me. I refused to take the offer, and he hung up the call. I then contacted O2 to confirm and they said this number was not theirs.


Kelis Bourne

3 Years Ago

They claimed to be from O2. They were calling me for two days. But I did not have time to talk to them. After several calls, finally, I picked their call. They tried to offer me a new contract. Scammers, scammers, scammers. Blocked!!


Emily Gamble

3 Years Ago

Got too many calls from this number that claimed to be from the O2 company. The caller was asking me if I am the account holder, and when I replied that if you are claiming to be from the O2 company, you should know the answer. He hung up the call. Clearly, they are scammers.


Paula Walker

3 Years Ago

This caller was an Irish man. He said he was talking on behalf of O2. When pressed, he said he was from LBM. He asked me for my card payment details which I refused to give. I never share any card payment info with anyone on my phone. Ridiculous caller.


Julie Donovan

3 Years Ago

Got missed calls from this number several times a month. They keep calling. It is a total scam call claiming to be from O2, although the site of O2 does not show this number anywhere on their secure portal. It is a scam call. Do not answer this call. Just block it.

Report 0800 952 4854


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